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Welcome to the Union Church
We are open for Sunday worship at 10.30am every week
All our services are led by our minister: Rev Alex Newens, unless otherwise stated.
We stream our morning worship to watch live or at a later time to suit you.
To view our services please go to our page on YouTube and the live/latest service will be at the top of the page.
The Prayer Chapel at the bottom of the church tower is open daily for private prayer
from 8:30am 'till dusk Monday - Saturday. On Tuesday mornings 09:30-10:00 our minister, Alex Newens, is in the Prayer Chapel to pray with, or for, you.
Sermon Sunday 8 September
Spot the difference
Please watch our sermon and then meditate on the following questions.
What have been your favourite tv series/ series finales/ Christmas specials?
2. Scoffers believed God was being inactive. How do you see this attitude reflected in the world today?
3. How does God’s timing & patience impact our view of salvation and evangelism?
4. How do you practically pursue growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ?
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